Safa’s Palette Coloring Book


◦ 19 hand-drawn illustrations printed single-sided.
◦ Colored pencils work well to fill in the outlines of the illustrations.
◦ Suitable for most ages with 5 simple illustrations and 14 with moderate amounts of detail.

Having a coloring book after reading the novel made it a lot more fun! 

Inaya Niazi, 12

If you like the idea of giving your child a coloring book with zero outlines of people or animals to color in, this is for you!

While coloring in a bird’s eye view of the Kaba, oceanside scenes, motifs depicting seasonal change, outlines of lush flora, Muslim home interiors, and discovering — in the process — some of Allah’s beautiful names subtly written in Arabic, children will increase their ability to focus and concentrate.

They will develop their hand / eye coordination, too! Insha’ Allah.

About 39 pages including story.

Safa’s Palette appeared in its 1st Jordanian Edition in December.

On May 14th, 2021, a greatly expanded new book, including child-friendly explanations of 17 of Allah’s beautiful names by Ustadh Hatim Yousef, Safa’s Palette: Coloring & Vocabulary Book of Allah’s Nameswas published worldwide (available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, and many other outlets including numerous independent bookstores). Complementing the divine name definitions, this new title also includes the names inked in elegant thuluth script.

In June 2021, a limited, autograph edition of Safa’s Palette: Coloring & Vocabulary Book of Allah’s Names (signed by calligrapher Usman Ghani) was published in Lahore.


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