Writing Contest for Kids: Five Ideas for a Happy & Successful Ramadan

Posted 31 March, 2022

Dear reader, As-Salamu ‘alaykum. Ramadan begins in a couple of days, insha’ Allah! You know what that means – your parents will probably be fasting from dawn to sunset. You might keep some fasts too, right? Are you ready? You can help make this Ramadan happy and successful in your home by writing down your ideas. What ideas? Well, you can think of some: ideas to help prepare for a happy and successful month of fasting! If you have free time, write them down. For example, here are a few simple ideas:

  1. Help to prepare suhoor the night before. 2. Keep track of the Maghrib adhan time every day. 3. Fold clothes or do laundry (for those capable) to always have something nice to wear. 4. Set the table for Iftar. 5. Set up a special time every day / night for recitation of the Quran.

Zaynab Books invites you to write a plan to prepare for a happy and successful month of fasting. Your plan should be five paragraphs long. Each paragraph should describe one idea. Start with a topic sentence introducing the idea. Follow that with sentences that explain the idea by giving details and reasons why it would make your family’s Ramadan a happy and / or successful one in some way. Then, explain how to carry out the idea.

Indent each paragraph. For this plan, you don’t need an introductory paragraph or a conclusion, just five paragraphs sharing one idea each. When you are done, check your spelling, and make sure your name, age, grade, city, and state are listed at the bottom of your plan. Then, you are welcome to e-mail your plan to editors@zaynabbooks.com. Insha’ Allah, we will read them during the first week of Ramadan and include the ones that are easy to understand and that make sense in our newsletter, Zephyr.


Ages 12 – 14:

  • 1st Prize – Your choice between the novel Journey Beyond the Great Tree or Safa’s Palette: Coloring & Vocabulary Book of Allah’s Names & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 2nd Prize – A copy of Safa’s Palette & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 3rd Prize – a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.

Ages 10 – 11:

  • 1st Prize – Your choice between the novel Journey Beyond the Great Tree or Safa’s Palette: Coloring & Vocabulary Book of Allah’s Names & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 2nd Prize – A copy of Safa’s Palette & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 3rd Prize – a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.

Ages 8 – 9:

  • 1st Prize – Your choice between the novel Journey Beyond the Great Tree or Safa’s Palette: Coloring & Vocabulary Book of Allah’s Names & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 2nd Prize – A copy of Safa’s Palette & a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.
  • 3rd Prize – a print of calligraphy by Usman Ghani of one of Allah’s beautiful names.

DEADLINE: Sunday, April 10th. For ages 8 to 14 years. With your parent’s permission and help, you may e-mail your plan to editors@zaynabbooks.com. We look forward to reading it. Ramadan Mubarak!

NOTE FOR PARENTS: Doing this writing activity can give your child valuable practice to help achieve the following educational standards:

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